domenica 10 gennaio 2016

Apre Ikea a Cagliari...

Dedicato a tutte le giovani teste di minchia che stanno esultando per l'apertura di Ikea a Cagliari.
"Compagni" thatcherini pro-Ikea, pro-Amazon, pro-libero mercato. 
"Compagni" della minchia che non avete mai lavorato.
"Compagni" della minchia che vi guadagnate il pane facendo da Padre Georg all'assessore di turno.

Dedicato a voi:

Like so many others, I had become a slave to the IKEA nesting instinct.
Yes, I'd like to order the Erika Peccary dust ruffles…
Please Hold
If I saw something clever like coffee table sin the shape of a yin and yang, I had to have it.
The Klipske personal office unit, the Hovertrekke home exer-bike. Or the Johannshamnh sofa with the Strinne green stripe pattern...
Even the Rislampa wire lamps of environmentally-friendly unbleached paper.
I would flip through catalogs and wonder "what kind of dining set defines me as a person?"
I had it all. Even the glass dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections, proof they were crafted by the honest, simple, hard working indigenous people of...wherever.
Please hold.
I was holding.
We used to read pornography. Now it was the Horchow Collection.

Antonio Musa Bottero

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